Monday, March 10, 2014

wild weekend

This weekend we actually got out and partied a little. It was a nice change since we always just stay in and relax at home. On one of our nights out, a friend asked me why I never blog about drunken weekend nights. So here you go!

Friday night we went to our friends' house for a going away party for another friend. There was good food, good friends, good booze and of course slightly inappropriate discussion all night. We always end up playing beer pong with this group and it always ends bad for me the next day. I am proud to say that this time around, I got out of playing beer pong! I'm sure my liver appreciates that. The end of the night ended with George and I eating all the left over garlic bread and my friend Erica french braiding my hair. Good times.

Saturday night we decided to just stay home and BBQ. George loves to BBQ and he's really good at it. It's one of my favorite ways to cook because it takes a team effort go team Engleheart! I get all the food prepped for the grill and George does the grilling. I also make any side dishes that aren't being cooked on the grill. Saturday I marinaded some chicken and cut up a fresh pineapple and George grilled them both up. He was so proud of his BBQing skills, he made me take a picture.

man make meat with fire

So around 11pm Saturday night, we were just home enjoying a quiet night, watching Sons of Anarchy and George gets a text from a friend asking us to go out to downtown Tumon. Spur of the moment night out! We have only been out in Tumon once since we've moved here (for my dirty thirty) so it was fun to go out again! It was a fun night out that of course ended up with ramen at 2am. I love ramen. Mmmmm...

spicy delicious noodles

The rest of our weekend was spent hanging around the house and enjoying the amazing sunsets from our lanai. You know, normal day to day life.

island life... just another day


  1. OK this is stupid question but wat is a lanai?

  2. Not a stupid question, Jodi! It's a patio/balcony. In Hawaii and Guam they call it a lanai :)
