Thursday, March 20, 2014

finish this v6

This is part of a weekly series I got from Ruthie Hart, titled finish this.

1. I celebrate Valentine's day by... just spending time with my husband like usual! I don't really care to make a big deal out of it or stand around for hours at a packed restaurant for dinner. We usually make a nice dinner at home and maybe I'll make some treats.

2. My heart goes pitter-patter for... little baby kittens. Anytime I see a picture of one or a video, I instantly want another kitty. Who doesn't melt for a baby kitty cat?!

3. When looking for romance, my best advice is... don't ignore the red flags! I'll leave it at that.

4. My favorite love story (real or fiction) is... mine is my favorite real love story, but as far as fiction... I know it's cheesy, but Noah and Allie from The Notebook. I just love how they always were drawn to each other and how he stays with her til the very end. 

5. The best relationship/love/dating advice I ever received... not really advice, but my bff, Casey, once told me to flip a coin. The rest is history!

that coin Casey had me flip, taped to my wedding shoes 

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