Friday, March 21, 2014

i heart guam

They say island fever sets in around the four month mark. I'm coming up on it and the only thing that I don't like is the idea that I'll have to leave this island one day. There are all sorts of cheesy souvenirs that say "I heart Guam" but I really do. I love this island and I love the island life. 

blue skies out in front of our condo this morning

I've always been the type of person that has a million things on my to-do list and who always feels life pulling me to get something done. But here, it's slower, and it forces me to slow down and just be. And that suits me. I'm on island time and I love it! 

view from the parking lot, look at the color of the water!

The weather here is amazing as well. It's always warm and there's never that chill in the air at night that forces me to reach for a sweater or jacket. As silly as it sounds, I hate wearing clothes (not go naked, but I like wearing just a dress and flip flops, nothing bulky) and this weather allows me to be comfy all the time. It reminds me of those rare summer nights back home when you can go outside in the middle of the night and the warmth of the summer night air surrounds you. Except, it's like that every night here. I don't have to wait for the summer. 

Today we went to the beach because it was a gorgeous day. The sun was shining and there was only a slight breeze. We decided to go down to the touristy area of Tumon, Ypao Beach. It was noon on a Friday and we practically had the beach to ourselves. Maybe 10 people in the water, and only a handful on the stretched out white sandy beach. No matter how many times we come here, the color and hue of the water will always amaze me. It's so clear and pristine and tropical looking that it's hard to believe it's real. What's even harder to believe is that we live here. This is home for us. 

can you see the long paddle boats?

When we got home I went out to the lanai to catch the sunset and saw 2 large boats paddling out in the waters in front of our condo. How awesome is that? I know our time here is limited and I am really trying to take in every minute and realize how lucky we are to be here. One day, we'll have to leave and I will miss this place like crazy!

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