Tuesday, March 18, 2014

buffalo chicken enchiladas

they aren't pretty, but they're tasty

Ooey. Gooey. Cheesy. Spicy. Buffalo-wingy. Those are the best words I can use to describe these buffalo chicken enchiladas. I would love to take credit and say I created this fabulous and easy recipe, but I did not. I found it on a blog called The Novice Chef. I love finding recipes that George loves and willfully eats leftovers of. I take those recipes and I make them a part of our regular recipe rotation. This is one of those recipes. 

Of course, I deviate from the recipe a little and make it my own. Mostly out of laziness in measuring out ingredients, but also because IdowhatIwant. 

everything all prepped

First thing I do is cook this chicken in my crock pot. It's easier that way. I cook it with a little buffalo wing sauce and a little water for 8 hours on low. Then I shred it and get started on the enchiladas.

I mix the shredded chicken with some green onions, shredded mozzarella cheese and a few spoonfuls of the enchilada sauce. For the enchilada sauce I mix a can of red enchilada sauce and some buffalo wing sauce. Sometimes it's 1/3 of a cup, sometimes I get crazy and do more. A lot more. Like, hot-in, hot-out more.

ready to roll

Then I put some of the filling in a tortilla, roll it up and put it in the casserole dish to bake away! Once they're done and cooled off a little, I plate the enchilada and top it with fresh cilantro and green onions. 

now the nom nom nom begins

Excuse the lighting in this last picture. I usually try and take a picture the next day with leftovers using the nice afternoon light. But there were no leftovers. We ate them all. Oops.

If you want to check out the original recipe, click here.

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