Thursday, March 6, 2014

finish this v4

This is part four in a weekly series I got from Ruthie Hart titled finish this.

1. I use my "green thumb" to... keep my fake plants alive! I don't really have a green thumb. Back home I managed to keep some houseplants alive for several years, but killed all my outdoor plants.

my "green thumb" would kill this

2. The secret to life is... I don't know the secret just yet. I do know that every once in a while you just have to laugh at the random crap thrown your way. Preferably with your best friend and a bottle of wine. Or 3 bottles if it's Casey and I!

3. I get my money's worth by... using the last drop of everything from beauty products to food. I think it's a skill I learned from my mom. I remember her tilting her lotion bottles upside down to get every last drop out and I do that now too. And with food, I always try and eat leftovers and make a meal or snack out of whatever random food we have in the fridge.

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, my level of organization is... definitely a 10, at least. I love the feeling of having everything in its place and organized. I'm lucky in that fact that my husband is just as organized, if not more than me. We have a very clean and clutter free home!

5. A gentleman always... opens doors for a lady. 

6. Handwritten notes are... hard to find these days. With texting, emailing and social media, it's rare to receive a handwritten note from someone. I love how something as simple as getting a little card from a friend for no reason can really brighten your day. 

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