Thursday, March 13, 2014

finish this v5

This is part five in a weekly series I got from Ruthie Hart titled finish this.

1. I will never outgrow... getting excited to go to the candy store. When I was younger and got an allowance, I used to spend it all at the candy store at the mall. I had a one of those plastic Caboodles that were oh so popular in the 80s filled with candy. Every Saturday night I would bust it out and eat candy while enjoying Snick. Am I showing my age here?! I still get excited when we pass the candy aisle at the grocery store and I still make a plate of candies to munch on whenever we watch a movie or a favorite TV show!

2. I splurge on... I honestly can't think of anything I splurge on. I'm more than happy buying store brand. I rarely buy new clothes or shoes and when I do, it's never name brand. The only thing I've bought that was more of a splurge than other options was my computer. I chose to pay a little more and get an iMac instead of a PC. But that was a one time purchase, so I don't really consider it something I splurge on regularly.

3. My worst habit is... going to the grocery store hungry. I always make a list with meals in mind, but once I get into the store, I see so many other things I want! 

4. My passport represents... unfortunately, not a lot. I first got my passport for Panama a few years back but had to get a new one after I got married. So far I have no stamps in my passport. I've been lucky enough to do most of my traveling with the military and haven't required a passport. 

5. My most ridiculous fear is... swimming in deep water. It's not even the drowning fear, it's just not knowing what is under me. It creeps me out! Or if we go snorkeling and there are rocks or coral or even sea grass under me, I get scared!

6. My favorite thing to give is... food! I love making treats for George to take to work or treat him to new yummy dinners.

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