Friday, March 14, 2014


It really is true what they say about island life. Everything moves at a slower pace. To add to that, I am not working for the first time since I was in high school. That leaves for a lot of time to fill for not only myself, but for George as well. So we both decided to pick up some hobbies to help fill the time over here. 

I chose to pick up an old hobby from years ago, photography. It's my first time working with digital photography so I've been able to keep myself busy learning and practicing this art. Luckily, I have friends back home who answer my questions and can help give me advice. I'm really enjoying it and can't wait until I get a chance to visit home and practice on all my friends. Maybe one day I'll even be confident enough to take on clients! For now I'm just trying to hone my skills and capture all the beauty that is Guam.

George's hobby is a little more tangible. He's started a salt water fish tank at our condo! It's a small one and it's still in the beginning stages, but it already is looking real pretty.

fish tank after George got his first fish, Opie

It's quite a process to start a tank, but its been several weeks now and George just started introducing fish. He also has about 15 hermit crabs, no joke. We wanted a theme in naming the fish and decided to go with characters from Sons of Anarachy.
So far we have Opie, Gemma and Prospect (aka Half-Sack). He plans on getting one more fish and it's going to be a really pretty one so of course it'll be named Jax. Cause Jax is gorgeous. Just sayin'. 

Prospect aka Half-Sack

Gemma (left) and Opie (right) 

all three fishies chillin' on the rocks

It's still a slow moving life out here on the island, but hopefully we'll be able to keep busy with our hobbies. I look forward to getting some good photos and sharing them on my blog! 

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