Monday, March 17, 2014

hy's steakhouse

George had to work again this past weekend so we didn't get to do any island exploring. My weekend consisted of the gym, a nice dinner and laying by our pool. Rough, I know. 

a little sunshine by the pool

On Saturday night we were invited to a birthday dinner for one of George's coworker's wife. Since George had to work, I went alone. I didn't know most of the people there, but luckily my friend Erica picked me up so I had a partner in crime good friend to hang out with all night. We went to a high end steakhouse in downtown Tumon called Hy's Steakhouse.

Erica and I at our fancy dinner

I was pretty impressed! A lot of the restaurants are geared towards tourists who are looking for that "real America experience" and can tend to be overly cheesy American style. The service was great, the food was tasty and the steak. Oh man, the steak was so tender and delicious.

look at my delicious meat!

After our dinner, we all ended up going out for a drink and then came home. That night we got our first ever house guests here! Erica and her husband, Tony, decided to crash at our place rather than drive to the other side of the island after some cocktails. So we made a frozen pizza, watched some TV, then we all went to bed. Exciting, right?!

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