Friday, February 28, 2014

tropical depression

I know what you're probably thinking. Tropical depression probably means I'm starting to get sad out here on this tropical island. Well, unfortunately it's nothing a little Xanax and champagne can fix. 

that arrow is pointing right at Guam. yes, Guam is small as hell

A tropical depression is basically a big ass storm, a lower strength hurricane or tropical cyclone. And this baby is headed our way. Maybe. We've been reading the updates from the weather center and this big guy keeps changing his mind on where he wants to go. He's being pretty indecisive on whether or not he wants to vacation in Guam or not. He's also moving pretty slow (about 3 mph), just kind of hanging out between us and Chuuk deciding what his next move will be. Right now the current estimated path is well east of Guam, but we would still be hit with heavy rains and sustained 30 knot winds with gusts reaching up to 65 knots. 

If it hits us, it'll be our first tropical storm since moving out here. We're pretty new to the island and have never made a typhoon readiness locker yet. So far we have lots of water, champagne, rum, beer and beef jerky. That's pretty much a party right there, can you think of anything we're missing? I think we'll make it out ok. All joking aside, we do have lots of drinking water, some nonperishable foods, flashlights and batteries. Our condo complex is on high ground, with typhoon shutters and a generator that will run our fridge and one light switch. But please, all of you mainland folk, cross your fingers, pray, or wish on a star that this guy takes a turn to the east or loses its mojo. Hopefully I'll be able to give an update on Monday.

Since that whole post was kind of a bummer, here's a picture of Guam when it's not stormy!

Ritidian Beach, when Guam is pretty!

1 comment:

  1. hope all is well with u guys...keep safe and love u guys..
