Monday, February 17, 2014

from a to b

With all the planning and changes that come with moving 6,000 miles away, there's also the basic need to get all your stuff from point A to point B. How do most people accomplish this? Ask a friend who has a truck, rent a U-Haul, make a bunch of trips in your car? For us, none of these were options. We were moving not only far far away, but we had a large ocean in our way. Our options? Boat or plane.

Luckily, George's company has a contract with a mover and we arranged all the items to be packed up and moved to us in Guam. We were originally quoted a 4-6 week time frame from when they picked up out stuff to when it arrived on island. We would have to live with minimal items for a few weeks, but still doable. So the movers came, boxed and inventoried all our stuff and hauled it away to be placed on a boat. And then we ran into some issues with the company and that 4-6 weeks turned into 14 weeks. Big difference.

We were given the date of February 13th of when our stuff would get on island. Again, we figured there's nothing we can do about it and have made the most of the very few items we have in our home. Then last week we get an email from the local movers. Our stuff is scheduled to arrive February 11th and they will be contacting us to schedule a delivery once the items are released to them.

Today's February 17th and still no word. We've worn the same 3 outfits for nearly three months, cooked with one pan and a piece of foil as a lid, eaten off paper plates and managed without our computer. I'm ready for our stuff to get here and soooooooooooooo ready to have my crockpot. Hopefully by the end of this week I'll have an update for everyone.

I'm not trying to complain too much here, just want to share our experience of moving overseas. I want to be able to share all the ins and outs of the move, good and the bad. We may not have a lot right now, but we're on the ocean and we have each other and we're still happy with having to move.

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