Thursday, February 20, 2014

wedding wednesdays-the officiant

Most of you probably belong to a church in some capacity and don't have to worry about who will marry you. However, for us, we don't belong to any church so we had to look for someone to marry us. I would love to give tips on how to find an officiant for your big day, but we didn't have to do any searching. Right after we got engaged, a good friend of mine called me up and said that he would love to be the one to marry us.

 9 years ago, online minister material right there!

Matt and I have been friends for 13 years. The first time I met him, he walked up to my friend Jessica and I and bet he could get 8 quarters in his nose. He lost that bet. He only fit 7. Who wouldn't want this guy to be their officiant? I'm only teasing, while sometimes goofy, he has been a really good friend to me these past few years.

 he cleans up nice, right?!

Matt had gotten ordained so that he could perform another friend's wedding about a year before ours. He also did a few other weddings before our big day. Regardless of his experience, I knew Matt would do an amazing job. He's comfortable being in front of people (I think he enjoys it!), he has a wicked sense of humor and he appreciates marriage and love. The ceremony he performed was touching, personalized and interjected with bits of humor. We cried and laughed. Matt and his wife Miranda are close friends of ours and I was so honored that he would be the one to marry us. We honestly can't thank him enough!

 He knew we didn't want a super religious ceremony and so he found a reading to share in place of more traditional readings. We loved it and I would like to share it with all of you.

Now you will feel no rain,
For each of you will be shelter for the other
Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be warmth for the other
Now there is no more loneliness,
For each of you will be companian for the other
Now you are two persons,
But there is only one life before you
Go now to your dwelling place to begin the days of your life together
May your days together be good and long upon the earth!

the 3 of us, laughter and tears


  1. that is really cool..and the saying he picked is i have so missed out on ur big day..but reading all this feels like I was tjere .

  2. The reading and your touching words about me bring tears to my eyes haha what a sappy guy I am! But im proud to know that I was able to help out two of the best friends a guy could have!

  3. I will never forget him putting quarters in his nose at Woodleaf!
