Friday, February 7, 2014


George has been working everyday for the past two weeks straight, so I don't have any amazing Guam stories to share right now. I do have some random thoughts from the past week to share though!

Last week I mentioned starting a new hobby in this post. After thinking about what hobby I want to get into, I decided to get back into photography. The island has so many beautiful landscapes and photo opportunities that it'd be a shame to not capture them while we're here. I asked for opinions from my photographer friends and decided on the Canon EOS Rebel T3i. It's not high end, but from what I've been told, it's a great starter DSLR camera. So far, I love it. It's quite a difference going from a film camera to a digital one! I love how you can see immediately what changing your settings can do for the image. I'm definitely looking forward to playing around with it and relearning the skills. Unfortunately, we still have yet to receive our household goods so my computer isn't here and I am unable to upload any pictures from my new camera. So for now, you'll have to deal with my mediocre iPhone pictures. Or, like the picture below, an iPhone picture of the back of my camera!

playing around with shutter speed and light
Yesterday I left my apartment to run down to the Navy base to look for a few things. When I left, it was sunny with some clouds up near Yigo that looked like rain might be heading our way. I grabbed my umbrella just in case and headed out the door. Holy rainstorm, batman. It. Came. Down. The roads were flooding and it didn't let up for hours! I did my shopping at Navy and on the way home, it started raining even heavier! I have never in my life seen it rain this hard and the visibility while driving be so bad. Traffic was going about 15mph, even the locals! You know it's bad if the locals are scared enough to slow down.

this was before it really started pouring
 Today we made a quick trip to Kmart and I got mesmerized by the giant aisle of ramen. Mmmmmm... ramen noodles. What can I say? I love food and I love Asian food even more.

giant wall of ramen, about half the aisle
So, like I said at the beginning, nothing too exciting. And to continue with the randomness, I'll leave you with a crappy iPhone picture of the amazing sunset the other night.


  1. I so love the rain and I think weather or not its an iPhone camera the picture is still pretty and don't we all just love

  2. Wish I was there with you for the rain to wash away my sins ;) <3
