Tuesday, February 11, 2014

american hustle and beach hopping

This weekend I did something that I haven't done in almost 5 years. I went to the movies. We went and saw American Hustle. We picked this movie for three reasons: Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams & it started at a decent time. I have to say I really enjoyed the movie. There hasn't been a movie soundtrack that pulled me in since Forrest Gump, but when Steely Dan started playing in the first scene, I got excited! I was (annoyingly) singing along the whole time.
We also got a lot of beach time and photography in this weekend. We started out Saturday by heading over to our favorite, Ypao Beach. We stopped by the ABC store on our way over and picked up one of those mini 6-packs of Sapporo. They didn't have any beer coozies, but the lady did give us this little cooler that perfectly fit the mini beers!
mini cooler
Sunday we went and checked out three beaches that I hadn't been to before. We met some friends at Old Wives' Beach on the Navy base, Ritidian Beach and Tanguisson Beach. I brought my new camera and got quite a few pictures at the first two beaches. Like I've mentioned before, without my computer here yet, I still can't upload any of my good pictures to this blog. Old Wives' Beach wasn't swimming friendly, but it seemed like a good spot to wade through tide pools, kayak or scuba dive. Ritidian Beach was amazingly gorgeous and I got a ton of great photos there. I promise once I get my computer, I'll share them on here. The water was a crisp, clear blue up against perfectly white sands and lined with lush jungle. So pretty. The only negative is swimming in not allowed due to the strong currents. On a clear day, you can also see Rota, the next island in the Marianas island chain. On our way back we stopped by Tanguisson Beach which is just north of Two Lovers Point. It didn't look like somewhere that welcomed swimming, but it was still pretty nonetheless. I did get some quick pictures with my phone at this beach.
Tanguisson Beach, looking north

Tanguisson Beach, looking south

it's tiny, but you can see the moon

George photobombing on accident
Once we got home, George showed me the pretty shells that he had collected at Old Wives' Beach earlier in the day. After showing me, he set them down and we went on about our night. About an hour later we notice one of the shells is making its escape. There was a little stowaway hermit crab inside the shell!
let me outta here!!
Out of the three beaches, Ritidian was my favorite. I can't wait to go back earlier in the day and get some more pictures. We ended the day with a quiet night at home, BBQing and watching some Netflix. Looking forward to this week, our stuff is scheduled to arrive finally!

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