Monday, May 19, 2014

movies movies movies

All last week I was sick. Which meant no working out, limited chores getting accomplished and a lot of laying on the couch. By the time the weekend rolled around, I was feeling somewhat better but not up to going out or anything crazy. This was also the first weekend since George finished his classes this semester. Which meant we could actually have some quality time together. Since I still wasn't feeling 100% we hung around the house Friday night and rented a movie. We rented 21 Jump Street because Channing Tatum and it was really funny! We rarely watch movies and we ended up watching 3 this weekend.

trying not to burn up at Ypao beach

Saturday we went to Ypao beach so George could play with his GoPro. He bought it months ago and still hasn't had time to take it to the beach and film anything. He made a couple of underwater videos while snorkeling. I sat on the beach and just about died from heat stroke. Not really, but daaaannnnggg was it hot! That night we had a date night and went to see a movie and to eat dinner. We went and saw Neighbors and then went and bellied up at Ruby Tuesdays. The movie was funny and dinner was tasty. Ruby Tuesdays has become our spot since it's right down the street, next to the movie theater and serves consistent food. It also reminds us a little of home because we used to belly up at the bar at Applebee's back home. 

about to display my photos

Sunday George went golfing and I did a little shopping at the NEX and framed some of my recent photos. I love that I can display my own work around our house! That night we rented and watched our third movie of the weekend. Since the first two movies we saw were comedies, we decided to rent a more serious movie. We rented Gravity. At first I was a little skeptical because Sandra Bullock is hard to take seriously sometimes, but the movie was good. We were definitely on the edge of our seats most of the time. I made Thai chicken pizza for dinner Sunday night and it was so good. I'm going to make it again this week and take some good pictures of it. Look for the recipe on here int he next week or two!

Thai chicken pizza... I'll post my recipe soon!

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