Thursday, May 15, 2014

finish this v12

This is a weekly series I got from Ruthie Hart titled, finish this.

1. My last growing pain was... getting older in general? I don't remember ever having growing pains but as I get older I do notice things tend to hurt a little more and it takes me a little longer in the morning to get things warmed up.

2. I grow and nurture... all my relationships from my marriage to my friendships. As I've gotten older, I've realized that there are a very small handful of people I want in my "hula-hoop" as my friend Casey calls it. Those small handful of relationships are what I try to grow and nurture. Being 6,000 miles away from everyone (except my husband) makes it difficult at times. However, with those few friends and family that I hold dear, I try to make some sort of contact a few times a month.

3. The guilt-free snack I enjoy most is... fresh fruit. I love a crunchy pear, fresh juicy pineapple and super ripe strawberries!

4. The best reason to stay up all night is... hanging out with my husband catching up on one of "our shows" or just talking through the night about randomness.

5. If I were stranded on a desert island, I'd... set up shelter in the shade and figure out a way to get rescued!

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