Friday, May 23, 2014

memorial day weekend

How can it already be Memorial Day? It seems like just yesterday it was the summer before our wedding yet it feels like ages ago at the same time. George has a four day weekend and it's also our last weekend together before the girls come out for the summer! I'm so excited to see them and share the island with them. 

Anyways, I just want to tell everyone to have a good Memorial Day weekend. Have lots of fun, enjoy your friends & family and be safe! Just don't forget what the day is about. May all the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice be in your thoughts this weekend. I know we'll be thinking about George's grandpa, Commander Robert C. Hessom. It's hard to conceptualize the sacrifice that George's family made for our country. We are eternally grateful for what you and your loved ones have given. We thank you for your service, may you rest in peace.

Comdr. Robert C. Hessom

the wall in DC

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