Wednesday, January 15, 2014

wedding wednesdays--introduction/how we met

The main point of this blog is to keep in touch with all our friends and family back home and share our stories from Guam. I also want to share other aspects of our lives to anyone who may read this. To get to where we are today, I want to tell the back story of what brought us here. How we met, our engagement and our wedding. Each Wednesday I am going to write a little piece of our wedding story and the events leading up to it. By doing so I hope everyone can see a little bit into who we are as a couple. I also want to hopefully give ideas and feedback to future brides. I know when I was planning our wedding, I read anything wedding related I could find! So if you're into weddings, look for my posts on Wednesdays!
George and I both joined the Air Force Reserves in 2004, a month apart from each other. We did not know one another prior to joining but met while working in our first unit, the 940th ARW at Beale AFB. While we both worked in the same area, we didn't officially meet each other until a few years later, around 2007. I always thought he was cute and later found out that he was thinking the same about me. While working together, we became casual friends, talking at work but never outside of work. This went on for several years.
 In 2011 our unit got sent on a temporary duty (TDY) to Guam. TDYs are not only a time to get some training done, but a time for coworkers to form bonds and increase the morale of the unit. During this TDY George and I hung out quite a bit along with our coworkers. We had a good time and our friendship continued to grow. By the end of the trip I realized that my work crush I had on him started turning into a full blown crush. On one of the last nights of the trip, he confessed to me that he had had a crush on me for years! I told him that I had as well and we just laughed that we both had these crushes and never said anything.
Once we returned home we continued talking and a few weeks later we went on our first date. Two weeks after our first date we went up to my parents' cabin at Mount Shasta for New Years. It was at the cabin, on January 1st, 2012 that we became "official."
Next Wednesday I'll write about the next big step, our engagement!
How did you meet your husband/wife/fiancé? Tell me your "how we met" story in the comments, I'm interested to hear everyone's love story!


  1. I met my fiance, Lord Dingerberry Howell Cardwell Esquire III of Upper Cornholeshire, at a small croquet party at his estate (50 Shades of Grey themed, of course). We sipped tea, ate crumpets, and by the end of the evening he declared his undying love. We plan to wed on a yacht surround by 99,000 of our closest friends and servants.

  2. Hey Corrine! What a great story! I never got a chance to hear it when we came up for your wedding so it's nice to be able to read it on your blog. I've enjoyed your posts, they are easy to read and personable.

    So how did me and Jackson meet? My sophomore year of high school, the fist year I attended SWOS I was walking down one of the sidewalks to get to class and I saw this cute, dark haired, clean dressed skater boy walking my way. I then noticed we were wearing the same shirt! It was a Shorty's skateboard shirt that had a pot leaf made out of skateboards, mine was white and his was red. I walked by and said "nice shirt!" He then replied, "nice shirt!." We walked our separate ways and I ended up meeting him through mutual friends, we hung out with the same crowd for the next year of high school until he dropped out and a couple years later he moved to Denver. I also moved to Denver and we were actually up there at the same time. I got ahold of his brother to invite them over for a BBQ once but they never came over. That was probably a good thing because he was dating "Cruella DeVille" for like 3 years so I would have been graced with her presence.

    I ended up moving back to Cortez in November of 2006. He moved back May of 2007. I ran into him at the pub he worked at just a couple weeks after he moved back, we went out once and he pretty much didn't go home after that. We were together for only 1 year when we got engaged but since I knew him for so long it didn't worry me. We then got married a whopping 3 months after! I jam packed everything into those 3 months because I wanted to get married outside and I didn't want to wait until the spring. So needless to say the week before our wedding I was sick as a dog, just from stress! I couldn't eat, or do anything but stay in bed. I didn't even enjoy my Bachelorette party. But the day we got married, I had a good cry and release of built up stress and I was golden. The ceremony was outside in October on the windiest day of the year. It was cold and no one could hear the speech. It sucked because I actually wrote the whole speech and our vows and my brother was the one to do the ceremony. Regardless of the wind, it was magical and it was just as it was supposed to be. We tied the knot and went back in to town for our reception and had the best party EVER.

    Wow! Didn't mean to write a book, maybe I should start my OWN blog ;)

    1. You should! Writing is so therapeutic! That's a good story about you and Jackson. Isn't is crazy how paths can cross so many times and how things seem to align in the end? George and I still think, "how crazy is it we ended up married?!"
