Friday, January 10, 2014

new beginnings

Home is where the heart is. Cliché saying, right? About two months ago I experienced how accurate that saying is. First, some background to our story...

My husband, George, and I were on our honeymoon in Maui the first week of October 2013. We knew his job was being cut soon and we would have to be moving, but we weren't sure where we would be moving. We were sitting poolside in Maui visiting friends who just so happened to be staying there the same time as us. As we're sipping our Mai Tais George gets a text from his boss "Guam. Nov 4. Let me know ASAP." Here we are, married for less than a week and we're faced with a 6,000 mile 3 weeks. We had already discussed possible moves and all the pros and cons of moving so we knew it was coming and what our decision would be when our options became available. Without skipping a beat, we said yes and clinked our glasses and took a sip of our cocktails.
Cheers, baby. Cheers.
Fast forward to the first week of November. George had already moved to Guam to start work and I stayed back to pack up our house and wrap up our lives and my job in California (I'll write about our moving experience soon). As I'm strolling through Walmart on a Monday (I always grocery shop on Mondays) I felt such a loneliness. I'm staring at the meals for 2 in the freezer section thinking, "leftovers!" I felt like I was a million miles away from home. Alone. This might not seem too weird, yet I was born and raised in Yuba City. I've lived in the same town for all my twenty-nine twenty-five plus 4 years and yet I felt like home wasn't here. Home was where my heart was. In Guam, with George.
So it's in the freezer aisle of the local Walmart where I realized that home really is where the heart is. Then I realized my new last name had the word "heart" in it and thought that was kinda neat. Which is when I realized loneliness allows my mind to wander too much and I start to think really dorky things are cool.


  1. LOL Sissy you are hilarious. Also, dorky things *are* cool.

  2. I'm totally enjoying this story! I think it is so awesome that you guys made such a huge move!
