Tuesday, January 21, 2014

feelin' like home

Having lived in the same area my whole life, it's taking some time for Guam and our condo to feel like home. I knew it wouldn't happen overnight yet it still is hard feeling out of place most of the time. Our household goods were picked up from our old apartment back home the first week of November and they still aren't here. We aren't expected to have our things until the middle of February. That means we've lived without our stuff for over 2 months at this point and still have 1 month to go.
Our bedroom started out with an air mattress and we figured we'd tough it out until our bed got here. That lasted about a month. There are no words to describe how your body feels after sleeping on an air mattress for weeks on end. We finally broke down and bought a bed. We needed one anyways since our old bed was over 10 years old, but we planned on using our old bed a few more years. But oh that first night on a REAL bed was amazing. We also had no dresser so we hung up what clothes we could and everything else stayed in the suitcases. I've never owned a dresser. I've used those large Tupperware drawers for all my clothes that couldn't be hung up. I'm about to turn thirty so we figured it was damn time I grew up and got a real dresser. So now we are able to put our clothes away and aren't living out of suitcases.
Our living room is where we really felt classy. We sold our couches and TV before we left and our plan was to buy some over here. Well, apparently most stores do not carry couches in stock, you have to order them. Which takes 6-8 weeks... So we done got ourselves some campin' chairs!!!
our super classy living room
I'm not sure how clearly you can see this picture, but yes, the TV is sitting on an ironing board. Don't be jealous. A few weeks later the BX called and the couches we ordered were ready for pickup. I guess someone had ordered the same set a few weeks prior to us, but didn't want them anymore so it went to the next in line, which was us. We were so excited to have couches!
George is going to kill me for this picture
Things are starting to come together. We are still waiting for a household goods shipment, but since we didn't ship everything we needed, we were forced to buy some things here. We found some rugs (in stock!) and a house plant at the Home Depot and our friend sold us his dining room table that he was getting rid of for cheap.
 living room coming together

dining and bar area
It really is starting to feel quite cozy and homey. We're still eager for the rest of our stuff though. It's hard to live with nothing except a few pieces of furniture. Cooking with no cookware is interesting (I've gotten pretty good at improvising), plastic cups/cutlery/plates makes it feel like college and wearing the same couple outfits day in and day out is not ideal. But we're getting there. And it's starting to feel like home. Our home.

1 comment:

  1. The living room looks good! I actually really like that dining room table.
