Monday, January 5, 2015

a very engleheart christmas

This year was our year to have the girls for Christmas. Instead of having them travel all the way out here for just 2 weeks, George and I decided to travel to California to spend the holidays with them. Not only is the travel a lot for the kids, it's always crazy expensive to bring them out. We left Guam a few days before Christmas and just got back home last night. We stayed at my mom and dad's house to save money on a hotel and the girls had their own room, and so did we. It was a whirlwind 2 weeks! Both girls were sick, then we got sick too! We also had to fit it time with all our family and friends. We already miss the girls like crazy, but are so so happy to be home. 

We spent Christmas morning with my parents opening stockings, presents and eating the infamous Christmas breakfast my dad cooks every year. We then headed up to George's mom and step-dad's house to open more gifts and have Christmas dinner. The girls got clothes, toys and lots of fun science-y type kits/toys. George and I got donations for our paddle board fund! 

The rest of the trip was spent hanging out with the girls and a few friends. I did some photography sessions, George got to snowboard with his Bay Area friends, we took the girls to Six Flags with George's sister, Ardry, to celebrate her birthday. We did a family date night in Old Sacramento on the 3rd anniversary of mine and George's first date at the same restaurant we went to! The girls thought it was so cool that we went to the same place as a family. We took another family date to the movies and saw Into the Woods which was pretty good! New Years Eve was spent with my friends, where we let all the kids run around while us adults caught up. No one made it til midnight of course, but it was a fun night.

There were lots of other fun things we did, but in the fog of jet lag, I can't remember every detail! We had such a fun time with the girls and can't wait to bring them to Guam again this summer!

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