Friday, January 30, 2015

birthday weekend

This Monday was my birthday and we did quite a bit of celebrating that weekend. George worked all week and all weekend, so the days were spent with friends and he joined us at night. Thursday night was George's Winter Fiesta for his work. It was at the Hyatt and we decided to stay the night and use our last free room coupon. We had a great buffet dinner, lots of drinks, then some ramen and a game of darts with our friends. The next day we spent relaxing at the Hyatt pool.

sunset from our room at the Hyatt

george and I at his company dinner

george playing tourist at our favorite ramen place

it was such a pretty day!

plumeria by the Hyatt pool

On Saturday Hailee, Andrea and I all met up for lunch at Pika's. Hailee's birthday is 4 days before mine so we spent the weekend celebrating together. After Pika's we went and got pedicures. We went out to dinner that night at Al Dente at the Hyatt. Their food there is always so good!

the only picture I got all night

On Sunday the three of us went out again, but this time for brunch at Papa's. I had some amazing red velvet pancakes and a peach bellini. The rest of the day I spent relaxing. On Monday, my actual birthday, George booked me a massage at the Hyatt's spa. It was wonderful! Afterwards I came home and cooked dinner for myself, George, Andrea and Hailee. 


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