Tuesday, January 6, 2015

baby it's cold outside

I lived in Northern California for nearly 30 years and have only lived in Guam for a little over a year. It's crazy how quickly you acclimate to a new climate. The weather in Guam is 80s-90s year round, the coldest I've seen it get is 75. During our recent trip to California, it was FREEZING. Night time temps dropped below freezing most nights and the day time highs were in the 40s-50s. Talk about a shock! 

When we landed we had to make a trip to storage first thing because we had no warm clothing. We grabbed our boots, pants, sweaters and jackets to replace our shorts, tank tops and flip-flops. I forgot how much I didn't like winter clothes! I much prefer flip-flops to boots. Even with bundling up, we were both so cold! 

When we picked up Kiera, she had a nasty cough that all of us caught. The cold, dry air made it even worse for George and I. It was like each breath was so cold and drying that it hurt! Believe it or not, we missed the humidity. When we first got to Guam, breathing in that humid air was so amazing. It calmed our cough and quenched our dry, parched throats. 

We definitely enjoyed our trip and spending time with family, but we both have decided we are far better suited for the tropical weather!

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