Monday, October 20, 2014

where does the time go?

Wasn't it just yesterday when I posted last? Oh wait, it was July? And now it's the end of October? Holy crap. These past few months have been a whirlwind to say the least. We had both the girls out for the summer, which, as a stay-at-home step-mom, kept me on my toes for sure. After that, I flew them back to California and stayed for a couple months while my husband went away for work. I'll write more about my first visit back to the mainland later. 

my first sunrise back on the mainland

We also just had our first wedding anniversary. Crazy, right?! So much has happened in the past year and our lives are completely different than they were a year ago. At the same time though, it feels like we just got married. We did a staycation to celebrate our anniversary, which I'll write more about later. We were actually 6,000 miles apart for our actual anniversary, so we had to celebrate a few weeks late. 

All in all, I'm so happy to be back home and back to living the island life. It truly is something we've come to love and enjoy. It's hard to explain too, unless you've lived on an island, it's hard to understand. 

my first sunset back on Guam

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