Friday, October 31, 2014

flashback friday Guam 2011

Halloween 2011, Guam

I can't believe it's been 3 years since my first trip to Guam. I came out here for work back in October 2011 for the first time. George came on that trip as well. However, we were not dating at that time. We were just friends and coworkers. The trip had 2 rotations, half of us went the first few weeks and then the second half of us came out and finished out the last few weeks. We had one night that overlapped the two rotations. That night happened to be Halloween. Of course, no one had thought about being here for Halloween so no one had brought costumes. Fortunately, our hotel rooms at the Hyatt had robes. And we all went out in robes and slippers that night. 

Best. Night. Ever. 

We went out in downtown Tumon and probably looked like a bunch of idiots in robes. I vaguely remember George and someone else break dancing at one of the bars. Thankfully they had shorts on under their robes. After the bars closed, we snuck into the Hyatt pool and going down the water slide. We were hiding from the strict security guard and trying not to get caught. That night, down by the water fountain near the pool is where George and I shared our first kiss. And now here we are, 3 years later, married and living in Guam! It's crazy how things turn out.

Happy Halloween!

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