Monday, October 27, 2014

california visit p.1 - the tooth fairy

During my visit to California, one of my favorite things was getting to spend so much time with my stepdaughter, Kiera. I had her a good portion of my time there. Living so far away from the girls, we miss out on a lot of milestones and firsts. Sure, we can FaceTime and they can tell us about them, but its not the same as being there when they experience something for themselves. I was lucky enough to have Kiera the night she lost her first tooth!

"send my dad a picture of my loose tooth!"

The night started out with her showing me her loose tooth. It was been loose a while, but of course, I took a picture so we could show her dad. She was so excited about it, she kept saying it's looser than before! After dinner Kiera, my sister, her friend and I went for a walk. Kiera asked to chew gum and kept saying how the gum was making her tooth hurt. 

no more tooth!

When we got back home Kiera asked to see my handheld mirror and went and stationed herself at the kitchen table. She starting looking at the tooth in the mirror and kept making these little screaming noises every time it moved. I didn't know what she was doing at that point, it looked like she was just examining the tooth in the mirror. About 10 minutes later Kiera starts yelling for me to come here, her mouth all bloody. I started to put my hand to her mouth to look, and she spits a tooth out! Sure as shit, that kid wiggled that tooth until she could pull it out! Who does that at 5 years old? Crazy kid!! 

The rest of the night we were all squealing and giddy about this huge event that just took place. I had no idea how exciting losing a tooth could be! Kiera kept asking if I was proud of her, and of course I told her I was super proud (which I was!). She also kept saying "I'm so full of joy and happiness right now!!" This kid, I swear! 

from the tooth fairy

Of course with a lost tooth comes the tooth fairy. It had to be super special because it was her first lost tooth. The next morning Kiera woke me up with a whisper at 6:30 am and begged me to read the certificate the tooth fairy left her. 

First Lost Tooth

This is to certify that Miss Kiera Engleheart
has lost her first tooth on Saturday, August 30, 2014
I am so very proud to add your tooth
to my collection. Congratulations!

//signed// The Tooth Fairy

Not only did the tooth fairy leave her a certificate, but she also left her $5! Back in my day, I usually got $1 in dimes and nickels. I guess the tooth fairy has adjusted her payment schedule! It was so exciting to get to experience this first with Kiera. Out of all the things I did during my visit, it was one of my favorites!

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