Thursday, April 17, 2014

finish this v9

This is part of a weekly series I got from Ruthie Hart titled, finish this.

1. I know this is weird but... I hate wearing shirts. Or anything that covers me from the waist up. I don't know why, but I prefer to just wear shorts or sweats. Obviously, I can't do this in public or when people are around. But when I'm home alone or it's just my husband and I, I'm going shirtless. I lived with my best friend, Casey, for about a year and she was privy to my weird habit and it didn't bother her. However, she's probably the only one of my friends that I could do that around!  

2. When stopped at a stoplight, I... get so bored! I look at my phone and gaze around and try to find something to do for those few minutes or seconds I'm stopped. Luckily, in Guam you can use your phone while driving still, unlike California.

3. My guilty pleasure is... food wise, it's sweets or candy. I love getting a bunch of desserts and making a little plate with samples from each one. My other guilt pleasure is watching shows like 19 Kids and Counting or Teen Mom 2. 

4. My favorite way to unwind is... coming home and getting into comfy clothes, pouring a glass of wine and making dinner. Cooking is relaxing for me!

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