Monday, April 14, 2014

cupcakes and goodbyes

Since I've been on island, I've only really connected with one girl. She's my best friend out here and she just got told that they're moving off island. This past weekend her and her husband had their going away party. Since we've moved here, we've been to several of their house parties and they always involve lots of food, beer pong and some inappropriateness between Erica and I. Nothing dirty, get your minds out of the gutter, but we usually end up having the most random conversations. Ones that I used to have with some of my closest friends back in California. I'm really going to miss her when she leaves.

erica and I trying to get a decent picture

The weather this weekend was gorgeous, but of course, George had to work all weekend so we didn't get to go out together and enjoy it. I did manage to catch a few pictures of the sunset though.

both of these taken right from my lanai

On one of my trips down to the grocery store down the street, I noticed the little coffee shop had finally opened. We don't have any Starbuck's or big chain coffee shops here, but there is a local shop called Infusion. They opened up a little store within our grocery store and serve drinks and treats. Well, lucky for me, they serve these little gourmet desserts! One of my favorite treats back home was the mini desserts at Bel Air and I haven't found anything like that out here. Until now! I stopped by the store yesterday and got myself a little pumpkin cheesecake cupcake. Sooooooo yummy!

desserts are my weakness

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