Friday, October 30, 2015

18 weeks

18 weeks 2 days

sporting my mom's hawaii shirt from the 80s 18w4d

my halloween tank! 18w6d

after yoga, 18 weeks 6 days

Weight: At 18w1d my weight was 127.4lbs, so my weight is still going up, but still below my pre-pregnancy weight
Symptoms: Still nauseous most of the time, but I have not vomited all week which is the best I've done this entire pregnancy! I'm taking 1/2 a Zofran a day and that seems to be keeping the nausea at bay. Still taking the Unisom and B6, but adding the Zofran seemed to be the magical drug cocktail. I'm also starting to feel some stretching pains and what feel like period aches. Headaches are getting better, still a slight headache in the morning, but it goes away easily and without medication. 
Sleep: Sleep is good, I am sleeping in pretty late in each day. I wake up a few times to go pee, but am able to fall back asleep pretty easily. 
Cravings/Aversions: No real cravings, some foods are starting to sound good, but not all the time. I noticed a slight increase in appetite, but am unable to eat a lot at once and most foods still turn my stomach. I still have an aversion to meat but was able to eat roasted turkey breast this week. One craving I've been having is apples, crunchy sweet apples! I eat one a day :)
Workouts: I did yoga at 18w6d but had to sit out for most of the poses because I was getting dizzy and lightheaded. 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits this week

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