Friday, October 23, 2015

17 weeks

17 weeks, 6 days

Weight: I totally forgot to take my weight when I hit 17 weeks. I checked it a few days later and it was the same as last week. Hopefully at 18 weeks I'll have gained some.
Symptoms: Still mostly nausea and some vomiting. I have been taking half of a low dose of Zofran each day and that has been helping. Feeling lots of kicks and they're strong enough that I can see some from the outside. I caught one on video for George to watch. Some headaches still, but they fade away on their own. A little intestinal congestion thanks to Zofran, but it's better than vomiting and feeling sick 24/7! I am noticing a lot more stretching and growing pains, nothing bad, but I do need to be careful to not move too quickly when getting up from the couch.
Sleep: Sleep is still good, I'm still taking the Unisom. Starting to wake up earlier and am unable to go back to sleep, but sleeping through the night with the exception of getting up to pee.
Cravings/Aversions: Still have no real cravings and food is there to fuel my body and that's it. I used to love eating and enjoyed food, but not so much anymore. 
Workouts: No workouts, the nausea is just too much. Moving around makes it worse
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits this week

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