Tuesday, October 13, 2015

15 weeks

I posted last week's update a little late, this past week I've actually been pretty busy with my business and life in general. But here it is... my 15 weeks update!

15 weeks

ultrasound from my midwife visit at 15w6d and yes, baby looks like an alien in the last one lol

swim suit bump at 15w1d

Weight: 125.0 lbs, up from last week but still less than my pre pregnancy weight. According to the doctor's scale, I've only gained 0.2lbs in the last 5 weeks. 
Symptoms: I started to have some good days, but then the bad days came back in. Still lots of nausea, 2 days of vomiting. Headaches are starting to appear and I'm also having some stretching aches. Again, any other symptoms I'm having are unnoticeable compared to the nausea. 
Sleep: Still sleeping ok, thanks to Unisom. I get up several times a night to use the bathroom and am slightly restless in the early morning, but still sleeping relatively well.
Cravings/aversions: No real cravings, fruit does sound good. Still lots of aversions which impedes being able to eat well.
Workouts: I did get one yoga session in towards the end of the week. I could only participate for about half of the class, some of the moves had me getting really dizzy and nauseous, almost like motion sickness. 
Doctor Visits: I had my first visit with my new provider at 15w6d. I am now a patient at the OBGYN department instead of just family practice. I am seeing a nurse midwife which is exactly what I wanted! She was amazing too. Very talkative and sweet and I did not feel rushed at all. She also did an ultrasound and baby was SUPER active. At first he/she was literally using my bladder as a trampoline, so funny to watch! It was hard to get any good pictures because baby was flipping around and kicking and just being a little ninja in general! I was able to see the heart beating on the ultrasound, but she couldn't get a heart rate using the ultrasound because the baby kept moving. She did get one using the doppler and it was strong and 160bpm. I also got the results of the only genetic test I chose to take, which was the Cystic Fibrosis test, and I am happy to say that I am not a carrier which was good news. The midwife prescribed me Zofran to take on an "as needed" basis because my weight is still low and I'm still experiencing so much nausea and vomiting.

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