Friday, November 6, 2015

19 weeks


19w3d Halloween, white trash pregnant lady (no, I didn't actually drink lol)

Weight: 129.8 lbs, still going up but not quite back to my pre pregnancy weight
Symptoms: Still some nausea, but no vomiting most of the week. I had a decent vomit free streak until 19w5d when I vomited again. Then I started with some new symptoms that felt like high blood pressure and an erratic heart rate. Also lots of growing pains
Sleep: Sleep has been ok, but I've been waking up early and have trouble going back to sleep. I also was kept awake all night at 19w6d due to throbbing pain in my upper body and nausea
Cravings/Aversions: Starting to have some cravings, but took a huge step back and have been so sick that I have aversions to eating anything.
Workouts: No workouts, still too sick
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits

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