Thursday, November 26, 2015

21 weeks

21 weeks, 1 day

Weight: 133.4 lbs, still gaining steadily!
Symptoms: Nausea, stretching, feeling full. This week I had a nasty cold/cough that George brought back with him. I had a really stuffy nose, swollen sinuses and a gross cough. I was able to fight it off but had a vomiting episode from so much phlegm. 
Sleep: Sleep was not the best this week thanks to the cold. It was hard to breathe and the constant coughing kept me up at night.
Cravings/Aversions: Still just craving apples! Still some food aversions and no strong cravings except fruit.
Workouts: None!
Doctor Visits: I had my follow up to the anatomy scan with my midwife at 21w5d. George was able to come to that and meet the midwife finally. He loved her! All the results from the anatomy scan were normal and good. No issues at all with baby's growth or my body. Great news! Since George hadn't heard the heartbeat yet, the midwife let him listen to it. She also did another ultrasound so we could look at baby again. Baby was squirmy as usual, sucking its thumb, chewing and rubbing its eyes while we watched. So neat to see so much detail while baby is still cooking!

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