Wednesday, November 18, 2015

20 weeks

20 weeks

20 weeks, 2 days

Weight: 132.4 lbs still gaining, finally!!
Symptoms: nausea, stretching, weird pounding heart
Sleep: sleep is still good
Cravings/Aversions: craving apples and fruit, that's about it! Still aversions to most foods
Workouts: none, still not feeling good!
Doctor Visits: at 20 weeks I took another trip to the ER. I was having symptoms of high blood pressure along with some upper body pain and an erratic heart rate. At the ER my blood pressure and EKG came back normal, even though my heart rate was really high. Basically they told me they have no idea what was wrong, but it wasn't anything horrible. At 20w5d we went for the anatomy scan. An hour long ultrasound where they take measurements of everything and we also found out the sex. As soon as we are able to tell the girls, we will announce the sex of baby! Baby was crazy active the entire ultrasound, it was really hard for the tech to get good images because baby wouldn't sit still. She said it was one of the most active babies she'd seen! Next week we have the follow up with the midwife.

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