Friday, February 5, 2016

31 weeks

31 weeks, 4 days

view from our room at our babymoon

rockin' a bikini at 31 weeks, 5 days!

31 weeks, 5 days

stormy on my birthday, of course!

my birthday! 31 weeks, 6 days

At the end of this week was my birthday and we stayed at the Hyatt for a birthday/babymoon staycation. I was able to rock a bikini at the pool still! We also did a lot of walking while downtown.

Weight: 150.0lbs officially the heaviest I've ever been, EEK! I feel like I'm making up for lost time since I lost so much weight in the beginning.
Symptoms: Nausea, I had a huge reversion in nausea this week and it was horrible! I had to up my Zofran to 1/2 a pill, twice a day towards the end of the week. Tailbone pain, some swelling in my legs when we walked for far too long and a stiff neck.
Sleep: Still taking 1/2 a Unisom at night so that does help, but I'm becoming more uncomfortable and restless at night.
Cravings/Aversions: Mostly just craving fruit and water. Occasionally I'll have a craving for sweets or heavy food, but it passes really quickly and if I try giving into the craving, it doesn't sit well anyways. 
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. We did do some swimming and walking around this week on our staycation.
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits.

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