Thursday, February 18, 2016

34 weeks

34 weeks

34 weeks

34w5d, out to eat with friends and I had the server bring me 3 waters so I didn't run out (it's hot here!)

Weight: 155.0 lbs, eek! About 20lbs above my pre pregnancy weight.
Symptoms: nausea, sore joints in my fingers, sensitive skin, tired, being on my feet a lot I can feel the toll the extra weight is taking on my body! Still taking 1/2 a zofran each evening.
Sleep: Still taking 1/2 a unison at night, so I fall asleep easily. I wake up frequently to pee but sleeping on my side bothers my hips, even with the pregnancy pillow. They ache so much that they wake me up and make it difficult to get comfortable and fall back asleep.
Cravings/Aversions: I'm able to eat a little more variety these days, but there are still a lot of foods that just don't sound good at all.
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits but we did meet with the doula for our first prenatal appointment. We went over what I want for the birth and a few coping mechanisms in addition to what we learned in hypnobirth.

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