Sunday, February 14, 2016

33 weeks

33 weeks

Weight: 153.2 lbs, starting to not be happy about the weight gain like I was in the beginning! Still healthy as far as weight gain goes, but it's hard to see that number creep up!
Symptoms: Nausea, lots of Braxton Hicks, achy feet if I'm up and about a lot, my feet swell a little if I don't prop them up at night or if I'm standing all day long, joints in my hands are getting a little achy, and leg cramps (like a charley horse) in my right calf wake me up once in a while. Still taking 1/2 a Zofran in the evenings for the nausea and some nights I need to take a Tums if dinner upsets my stomach.
Sleep: Still taking 1/2 of a Unisom at night for nausea so that does help sleep. Although I am up every couple hours to pee. I also am waking up earlier and have trouble falling back asleep.
Cravings/Aversions: I'll have cravings for something, but they usually go away. Nothing super strong. Panda Express chow mein did taste delicious recently though! I still have aversions to most foods.
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. 
Doctor Visits: I had an appointment with the midwife at 33w1d. Everything still looks good, we had an ultrasound and baby girl's face was all squished up and looking like a chubby little baby! She's head down and super active. Starting going over my birth plan at this appointment as well.

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