Thursday, January 21, 2016

30 weeks

30 weeks

30 weeks, 1 day

30 weeks, 5 days

our glider! finally found one on island, last one and it was hidden!

Weight: 148.0lbs, which is about what I weighed years ago when I let my weight get out of control. So I'm on the verge of weighing more than I have before! About 13-15lbs above my pre pregnancy weight, which is in the normal (but lower) range of weight gain for 31 weeks pregnant.
Symptoms: Nausea! No surprise there. Baby girl is also able to kick my ribs now, and head butt my cervix which can HURT! I've also been having pre-labor warmups (Braxton Hicks).
Sleep: Still taking Unisom at night so that helps, but I'm pretty restless throughout the night. It's becoming harder to fall back asleep when I wake up.
Cravings/Aversions: Still indifferent towards most foods. I made turkey & black bean enchiladas last week that were really delicious and tasted great. Still just craving fruit.
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits

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