Thursday, January 21, 2016

28 & 29 weeks

28 weeks

28 weeks

28 weeks, 6 days

I've gotten behind on documenting all my pregnancy stuff. The nausea is still present and I'm growing more tired each day and we've been busy which makes it difficult to keep up with everyday life, let alone blogging! My weight is still increasing, which is good since I lost so much in the beginning. Nausea is still my #1 symptom and the only symptom that's affecting my daily life. I had a couple trips to the doctor/clinic these 2 weeks. I did my glucose tolerance test which really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Luckily, I passed so I don't have to do that longer, fasting test. I also had an appointment with the midwife and everything is measuring good and looking good. No ultrasound this time because their machine is broken. I also got my RhoGAM shot and TDap booster. 

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