Friday, October 30, 2015

18 weeks

18 weeks 2 days

sporting my mom's hawaii shirt from the 80s 18w4d

my halloween tank! 18w6d

after yoga, 18 weeks 6 days

Weight: At 18w1d my weight was 127.4lbs, so my weight is still going up, but still below my pre-pregnancy weight
Symptoms: Still nauseous most of the time, but I have not vomited all week which is the best I've done this entire pregnancy! I'm taking 1/2 a Zofran a day and that seems to be keeping the nausea at bay. Still taking the Unisom and B6, but adding the Zofran seemed to be the magical drug cocktail. I'm also starting to feel some stretching pains and what feel like period aches. Headaches are getting better, still a slight headache in the morning, but it goes away easily and without medication. 
Sleep: Sleep is good, I am sleeping in pretty late in each day. I wake up a few times to go pee, but am able to fall back asleep pretty easily. 
Cravings/Aversions: No real cravings, some foods are starting to sound good, but not all the time. I noticed a slight increase in appetite, but am unable to eat a lot at once and most foods still turn my stomach. I still have an aversion to meat but was able to eat roasted turkey breast this week. One craving I've been having is apples, crunchy sweet apples! I eat one a day :)
Workouts: I did yoga at 18w6d but had to sit out for most of the poses because I was getting dizzy and lightheaded. 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits this week

Friday, October 23, 2015

17 weeks

17 weeks, 6 days

Weight: I totally forgot to take my weight when I hit 17 weeks. I checked it a few days later and it was the same as last week. Hopefully at 18 weeks I'll have gained some.
Symptoms: Still mostly nausea and some vomiting. I have been taking half of a low dose of Zofran each day and that has been helping. Feeling lots of kicks and they're strong enough that I can see some from the outside. I caught one on video for George to watch. Some headaches still, but they fade away on their own. A little intestinal congestion thanks to Zofran, but it's better than vomiting and feeling sick 24/7! I am noticing a lot more stretching and growing pains, nothing bad, but I do need to be careful to not move too quickly when getting up from the couch.
Sleep: Sleep is still good, I'm still taking the Unisom. Starting to wake up earlier and am unable to go back to sleep, but sleeping through the night with the exception of getting up to pee.
Cravings/Aversions: Still have no real cravings and food is there to fuel my body and that's it. I used to love eating and enjoyed food, but not so much anymore. 
Workouts: No workouts, the nausea is just too much. Moving around makes it worse
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits this week

16 weeks

16 weeks, 3 days

The weekly picture collage of the 4 belly shots has become time consuming and tiring. Until George gets back, it's just going to be random iPhone belly shots!

Weight: 125.8 lbs I've started gaining slightly, which is a great sign! Still below my pre pregnancy weight
Symptoms: Still mostly nausea and some vomiting. I've started taking the Zofran and it has helped lessen the nausea and vomiting. I've had a couple headaches and some stretching pains as well. Still mostly nausea that bothers me!
Sleep: Sleep is still good, I'm still taking the Unisom. 
Cravings/Aversions: Still not into food all that much. I can eat more foods now, but I still have to be really careful.
Workouts: No workouts, the nausea is just too much. Moving around makes it worse
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits this week

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

15 weeks

I posted last week's update a little late, this past week I've actually been pretty busy with my business and life in general. But here it is... my 15 weeks update!

15 weeks

ultrasound from my midwife visit at 15w6d and yes, baby looks like an alien in the last one lol

swim suit bump at 15w1d

Weight: 125.0 lbs, up from last week but still less than my pre pregnancy weight. According to the doctor's scale, I've only gained 0.2lbs in the last 5 weeks. 
Symptoms: I started to have some good days, but then the bad days came back in. Still lots of nausea, 2 days of vomiting. Headaches are starting to appear and I'm also having some stretching aches. Again, any other symptoms I'm having are unnoticeable compared to the nausea. 
Sleep: Still sleeping ok, thanks to Unisom. I get up several times a night to use the bathroom and am slightly restless in the early morning, but still sleeping relatively well.
Cravings/aversions: No real cravings, fruit does sound good. Still lots of aversions which impedes being able to eat well.
Workouts: I did get one yoga session in towards the end of the week. I could only participate for about half of the class, some of the moves had me getting really dizzy and nauseous, almost like motion sickness. 
Doctor Visits: I had my first visit with my new provider at 15w6d. I am now a patient at the OBGYN department instead of just family practice. I am seeing a nurse midwife which is exactly what I wanted! She was amazing too. Very talkative and sweet and I did not feel rushed at all. She also did an ultrasound and baby was SUPER active. At first he/she was literally using my bladder as a trampoline, so funny to watch! It was hard to get any good pictures because baby was flipping around and kicking and just being a little ninja in general! I was able to see the heart beating on the ultrasound, but she couldn't get a heart rate using the ultrasound because the baby kept moving. She did get one using the doppler and it was strong and 160bpm. I also got the results of the only genetic test I chose to take, which was the Cystic Fibrosis test, and I am happy to say that I am not a carrier which was good news. The midwife prescribed me Zofran to take on an "as needed" basis because my weight is still low and I'm still experiencing so much nausea and vomiting.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

14 weeks

14 weeks

Weight: 124.4, lost weight this week due to horrible nausea and vomiting all week. I am still below my pre-pregnancy weight. Hopefully I will start gaining here soon. 
Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting. I have a few other light symptoms but they all pale in comparison to the nausea. This week was the worst for nausea by far. By 14w6d my nausea had started to lessen. I also have had a few headaches and stretching pains.
Sleep: Sleep is good, which I still attribute to Unisom. I get up a few times a night to go to the bathroom and drink water, I get so thirsty in the middle of the night! I also toss and turn a little in the early mornings and need to eat almonds to settle my stomach and go back to sleep.
Cravings/Aversions: Still no cravings, aversions to everything. 
Workouts: Can't even think about working out right now! Just getting up and walking around makes me nauseous!! 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits this week