Sunday, March 13, 2016

37 weeks

37 weeks

37 weeks, 5 days

Weight: 159.2lbs, about 24lbs up from my pre pregnancy weight.
Symptoms: Mild nausea (still taking 1/2 zofran a day), achy hips, pressure in my pelvis, tired, joint pain in hands (mostly my left hand), crazy drooling at night, some menstrual type cramping.
Sleep: Sleep is getting tougher since I'm up quite a bit to pee along with some menstrual type cramping at night. Still taking 1/2 a Unisom each night for nausea.
Cravings/Aversions: Craving fresh fruit! Not as many aversions, but still not thrilled about most foods.
Workouts: No workouts but I have begun rocking my hips and doing some stretches to help open my pelvis and help with the pressure.
Doctor Visits: I had a midwife appointment at 37 weeks. My HR was high as usual (white coat syndrome?!) but baby's HR was high with the doppler as well. I was sent up to the Mother Baby Unit (MBU) to get a non-stress test done. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor for 30 minutes and her HR was just fine the whole time. They also ran some blood tests and an EKG on me to try and find a cause for the high HR. Everything came back normal!

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