Friday, March 4, 2016

36 weeks

36 weeks

view from the infinity pool at Hilton

george relaxing in the pool with a beer (jealous!)

pool day

36 weeks, 6 days and still rockin' a bikini

This week we got out of the house and had a pool day at the Hilton. Floating in the water felt awesome! 

Weight: 158.8lbs I think baby girl had a little growth spurt the last week. Which makes sense because I was also very sick the week before. (growth=hormones=nausea)
Symptoms: Nausea was better this week, but I am still taking 1/2 a Zofran each day to keep it at bay. Joint pain in hands, achey hips, a little bit of nesting energy this week, starting to feel pressure so I'm thinking that baby has dropped. 
Sleep: Sleep is ok, I'm still taking 1/2 a Unisom each night for nausea. Some days I sleep in late and some days I'm up early. Up several times throughout the night to use the bathroom so sleep is interrupted.  
Cravings/Aversions: FRUIT, that's all I want and pretty much all I've wanted this entire pregnancy. It sucks because strawberries are $8 a package. Still aversions to a lot of foods. 
Workouts: No workouts
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits but we did have our last prenatal appointment with the doula at 36 weeks. We went over when to call her and what to expect for labor.

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