Sunday, March 27, 2016

charlotte maxine engleheart

first meeting, golden hour

13 hours old, daddy's little pumpernickel 

Introducing Charlotte Maxine Engleheart
8 pounds
21 inches long
March 22, 2016 12:06am
United States Naval Hospital Guam

39 weeks

39 weeks

39 weeks, front view

39 weeks, back view. You still can't tell I'm pregnant from the back!

39 weeks, headed to the airport to pick up my parents 

39 weeks, 4 days. Last pregnant picture!

Weight: 161.8 lbs, about 27 pounds up from my pre pregnancy weight. As I get towards the end of the pregnancy, I notice I am unable to fit as much food in my stomach due to the growing size of my belly so weight gain has slowed.
Symptoms: Nausea, drooling at night, pressure down low, tired, some nesting energy and it's getting harder to stand for any length of time. Still taking 1/2 a Zofran each day for nausea. 
Sleep: Sleep is still good, still taking 1/2 a Unisom at night for nausea
Cravings/Aversions: Craving fresh fruit and some desserts, still some aversions to food.
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. Unless you count bouncing on my birthing ball as exercise!
Doctor Visits: No scheduled doctor visits, but I was admitted to the Mother Baby Unit at 39 weeks, 4 days due to my water breaking. I'll be writing my birth story shortly!

Friday, March 18, 2016

38 weeks

38 weeks, 1 day

my fresh fruit cravings are getting expensive!

38 weeks, 6 days

Weight: 160.8 lbs, about 26 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight
Symptoms: nausea has been way more manageable, but I'm still taking 1/2 a zofran a day to keep it at bay. I've been having some mild contractions, but nothing legit yet. I am still drooling a lot at night. 
Sleep: Sleeping is still ok, but I definitely toss and turn and get uncomfortable during the night. Still taking 1/2 a Unisom each night for nausea so that helps sleep.
Cravings/Aversions: Still only craving fresh fruit! I have more of an appetite than I have this entire pregnancy, but still has some aversions and a weak stomach. 
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. Been rolling my hips each night on my birthing ball.
Doctor Visits: I had a midwife appointment at 38 weeks and another at 38 weeks, 6 days. At the first appointment baby's HR was high with the doppler again so I had to get sent to the MBU for the non-stress test. Again, once they monitored me, her HR was just fine. The doctor at the MBU said I have a happy, responsive baby. They also did more blood work on me to try and pin point my high HR. All those tests came back normal and apparently I'm so hydrated that my sodium levels are on the lower side of normal! At the next appointment with the midwife, baby's HR was where it should be and when she heard the midwife's voice, she would get excited and her HR would go up. Baby just loves our midwife! I also had her check me and I'm 1-2cm dilated and about 60% effaced. My body is starting to do what it's designed to do!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

37 weeks

37 weeks

37 weeks, 5 days

Weight: 159.2lbs, about 24lbs up from my pre pregnancy weight.
Symptoms: Mild nausea (still taking 1/2 zofran a day), achy hips, pressure in my pelvis, tired, joint pain in hands (mostly my left hand), crazy drooling at night, some menstrual type cramping.
Sleep: Sleep is getting tougher since I'm up quite a bit to pee along with some menstrual type cramping at night. Still taking 1/2 a Unisom each night for nausea.
Cravings/Aversions: Craving fresh fruit! Not as many aversions, but still not thrilled about most foods.
Workouts: No workouts but I have begun rocking my hips and doing some stretches to help open my pelvis and help with the pressure.
Doctor Visits: I had a midwife appointment at 37 weeks. My HR was high as usual (white coat syndrome?!) but baby's HR was high with the doppler as well. I was sent up to the Mother Baby Unit (MBU) to get a non-stress test done. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor for 30 minutes and her HR was just fine the whole time. They also ran some blood tests and an EKG on me to try and find a cause for the high HR. Everything came back normal!

Friday, March 4, 2016

36 weeks

36 weeks

view from the infinity pool at Hilton

george relaxing in the pool with a beer (jealous!)

pool day

36 weeks, 6 days and still rockin' a bikini

This week we got out of the house and had a pool day at the Hilton. Floating in the water felt awesome! 

Weight: 158.8lbs I think baby girl had a little growth spurt the last week. Which makes sense because I was also very sick the week before. (growth=hormones=nausea)
Symptoms: Nausea was better this week, but I am still taking 1/2 a Zofran each day to keep it at bay. Joint pain in hands, achey hips, a little bit of nesting energy this week, starting to feel pressure so I'm thinking that baby has dropped. 
Sleep: Sleep is ok, I'm still taking 1/2 a Unisom each night for nausea. Some days I sleep in late and some days I'm up early. Up several times throughout the night to use the bathroom so sleep is interrupted.  
Cravings/Aversions: FRUIT, that's all I want and pretty much all I've wanted this entire pregnancy. It sucks because strawberries are $8 a package. Still aversions to a lot of foods. 
Workouts: No workouts
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits but we did have our last prenatal appointment with the doula at 36 weeks. We went over when to call her and what to expect for labor.