Thursday, January 21, 2016

30 weeks

30 weeks

30 weeks, 1 day

30 weeks, 5 days

our glider! finally found one on island, last one and it was hidden!

Weight: 148.0lbs, which is about what I weighed years ago when I let my weight get out of control. So I'm on the verge of weighing more than I have before! About 13-15lbs above my pre pregnancy weight, which is in the normal (but lower) range of weight gain for 31 weeks pregnant.
Symptoms: Nausea! No surprise there. Baby girl is also able to kick my ribs now, and head butt my cervix which can HURT! I've also been having pre-labor warmups (Braxton Hicks).
Sleep: Still taking Unisom at night so that helps, but I'm pretty restless throughout the night. It's becoming harder to fall back asleep when I wake up.
Cravings/Aversions: Still indifferent towards most foods. I made turkey & black bean enchiladas last week that were really delicious and tasted great. Still just craving fruit.
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits

28 & 29 weeks

28 weeks

28 weeks

28 weeks, 6 days

I've gotten behind on documenting all my pregnancy stuff. The nausea is still present and I'm growing more tired each day and we've been busy which makes it difficult to keep up with everyday life, let alone blogging! My weight is still increasing, which is good since I lost so much in the beginning. Nausea is still my #1 symptom and the only symptom that's affecting my daily life. I had a couple trips to the doctor/clinic these 2 weeks. I did my glucose tolerance test which really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Luckily, I passed so I don't have to do that longer, fasting test. I also had an appointment with the midwife and everything is measuring good and looking good. No ultrasound this time because their machine is broken. I also got my RhoGAM shot and TDap booster. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

27 weeks

27 weeks

for my mandarin cravings...

newborn outfit from auntie casey

her carseat came in the mail today!

Weight: 142.2lbs weight is staying pretty idle lately. Not losing, but not gaining a whole lot each week.
Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting (big surprise!) We actually ended up with a stomach bug this week. Not enjoyable when you already have round the clock nausea. I had weaned myself down to 1/2 a Zofran a day, but had to increase it when I got the stomach bug. Also feeling a little more tired lately, and experiencing some shortness of breath as things are getting squished in there.
Sleep: Starting to notice a little more restlessness throughout the night. Still taking 1/2 of a Unisom every night for nausea.
Cravings/Aversions: Major aversions this week with the stomach bug. I couldn't even eat plain potatoes one day. Craving those little mandarins still.
Workouts: No workouts, still too nauseous. 
Doctor Visits: No doctor visits for me this week, but I did have to take George to the ER in the middle of the night due to the stomach bug. The ER doctor actually recognized me from my past visits!