Thursday, September 24, 2015

13 weeks

13 weeks

Weight: 125.4 It seems as though my weight is finally starting to go up (which is a good thing). Most of this pregnancy I have been losing and am still below my pre pregnancy weight.
Symptoms: My stand out symptoms has been and still is nausea and vomiting. I vomited a few days into the week, but seemed to be improving towards the middle of the week. I decided to stop taking the Unisom for nausea since I was feeling better (and on the cusp of the second trimester) which ended up being a huge mistake. At 13w4d, the day after I stopped taking Unisom, I was extremely sick. Vomiting all day, extreme nausea and unable to hold down liquids and it landed me in the ER. I started right back on Unisom and the rest of the week was vomit free, but still debilitating nausea. I also had a headache one of the days. 
Sleep: Sleep is ok, even with the Unisom. The nausea is starting to wake me up in the middle of the night. I'm not napping as much either because the nausea seems to get worse after a nap.
Cravings/Aversions: Craving fruit, but nothing else. I have aversions to everything. Nothing sounds good and eating most food makes me gag. It seems the only thing that doesn't make me gag is Altoids.
Workouts: No workouts, still not feeling up to it.
Doctor Visits: While I had no doctor visits planned, I did end up with a visit to the ER. I had been vomiting all day and was concerned about dehydration. By the end of the day the nausea was just so intense that emotionally I was a wreck and began freaking out which led to me making a trip to the ER. They checked the baby and everything was fine, but I was a mess. They diagnosed me with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (look it up, it's more than just morning sickness) and told me to continue taking the Unisom and B6. They did offer Zofran but I'm still hesitant to take it. I see my doctor in a couple weeks and if things haven't improved by then, I will talk to her about getting a prescription.

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