Thursday, September 17, 2015

Weeks 4-12

We found out we were pregnant when I was 4 weeks, 1 day. Most of my symptoms up to that point were the same as PMS so I didn't have any clue I was pregnant. Luckily, I was talking to my friend, Becky, who convinced me to take a test and it was positive!

I documented my first few weeks of pregnancy and took weekly pictures. There were a few weeks where I felt so horrible that pictures didn't happen. There are also several times when you can see on my face how crappy I feel! The main symptom that has been really troublesome is the nausea and vomiting. It's horrible. At week 11 I started taking Unisom at night and B-6 in the mornings and it takes the edge off. Here are the details of my first few weeks, I plan to post an update each week. 

Each week is: weight | symptoms | cravings/aversions | sleep | workouts | doctor visits

Week 4: 123.6 | really tired, cramps and gas, pregnancy brain, no cravings a little tummy aches when I eat too much or fatty foods | insomnia | no workouts until dr clears me | dr visit to confirm pregnancy

5 weeks (no bump yet!)

Week 5: 122.6 | tired, gas, hip aches, nausea (not vomiting) | still restless sleep, but getting better | miso soup, dave's killer bread aversions to almost everything | no workouts until dr clears me | no dr visits

6 weeks

Week 6: 122.6 | tired, cranky, nausea, vomiting | sleeping is getting better, but still wake up a lot to pee | not craving anything, aversions to almost everything | no workouts, feeling to crappy | first intake appt at 6w2d with nurse, no scan, blood and urine labs done, no results yet

7 weeks 1 day

Week 7: 123.0 | nausea and vomiting and nausea | sleeping through the night, just getting up to pee | no cravings, aversions to EVERYTHING | no workouts, too sick | no doctor visits

8 weeks

Week 8: 122.8 | nausea and vomiting, nausea began to subside in the afternoons, then came back towards the end of the week, lots of weird pulling, twinge type feelings, sciatica, lots of gas and some discomfort from that, tiredness, weepiness | sleep is ok, I fall asleep relatively easily but wake up early and can't go back to sleep | some cravings for pizza, biscuits and gravy, mashed potatoes (comfort foods) but aversions to almost everything, eating a lot of peanut butter to get protein and calories | no workouts, still too sick | no doctors visits

9 weeks

Week 9: 123.4 | lots of nausea and vomiting, stretching and cramps, tiredness, sciatica, tailbone pain | sleep is still ok, I fall asleep easily and take naps when I can | no cravings, aversions to everything | no workouts, still too sick | no doctors visits

first ultrasound at 10 weeks 5 days

Week 10: 123.6 | nausea and some vomiting, headaches, more stretching, tiredness, gas and bloating | sleep is still ok, still falling asleep easily, tossing and turning in the night, waking up to go the bathroom, waking up early due to hunger | bagels and cream cheese, some cravings for burgers and randomly over easy eggs on a breakfast sandwich or burger (I HATE eggs), fresh peaches, aversions to almost everything | no workouts yet | had my first doctor visit at 10w5d and I got to see baby jumping around! Baby measured at 11w1d and everything looked good, heart rate was 173bpm

11 weeks 1 day

Week 11: 124.8 | started taking half of a Unisom nightly and B-6 in the mornings to help with nausea and vomiting, still nauseous, some vomiting, tired, tailbone pain | sleep is good because of the Unisom, I wake up a few times to go pee but I am able to sleep in without getting sick in the mornings, I'm also taking a nap most days | still a lot of aversions, craving watermelon and oatmeal | no workouts, just feel too sick still and get lightheaded easily | no doctor visits

12 weeks 1 day

Week 12: 124.2 | still taking Unisom and B-6 but still nauseous throughout the day, some vomiting, getting pretty forgetful, short of breath and tire easily | sleep is good because of the Unisom | craving oatmeal and watermelon still, aversions to everything else, even thinking about food makes me sick, fatty or rich foods really screw with my stomach | no workouts | no doctor visits

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