Monday, June 2, 2014

alone time

Yesterday, George went off island for the first time since we've moved. It's a weird feeling being completely alone out here. It's one thing to have all your friends and family back on the mainland, but its another to have your partner be gone as well. It's only for a week for I already feel very bored! My conversations since he's been gone have consisted of the cashiers at Ross, Tommy Bahamas and the Payless. Luckily, tomorrow I have a client booked for a Father's Day photo session so that should keep me busy. Besides that, I'll spend my time at the gym and getting the house ready for the girls. I can't believe they'll be out here in just 5 days! 

one of the videos I caught of the storm

Last night (my first night alone, of course) we had a crazy thunder and lightning storm roll through. I've never heard thunder so loud! The lightning lit up the sky, it was so surreal. Thankfully we never lost power! Hopefully it clears up a little, so I can head on down to the beach to keep myself busy with George gone!

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