Tuesday, December 2, 2014

spicy chipotle hummus

Did you know that you can make hummus at home that's WAY better than store bought aaaaannnnddd it's super easy? Neither did I. Until I bought my food processor and began a search for all recipes involving a food processor. We eat a lot of hummus. It's one of George's favorite snacks to munch on. The only problem is that our selection out here on our tiny little rock, it can be hard to find. Sure, most stores carry it, but they have the very basic flavors: roasted garlic, plain and sometimes roasted red pepper. 

We like spicy. Lots and lots of spicy. So I decided to try and make hummus from scratch. And you know what? It's so easy and so yummy. Way better than store bought. The best part is you can make whatever flavor you're craving. There's no end to the possible flavor combinations! We've tried several, but so far this is our favorite one.


1 15 oz can of garbanzo beans
2 TBSP tahini
1/2 bunch of cilantro (about a handful)
3 chipotle peppers in adobo
1 large garlic clove
juice from 1 small lime
1/4 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp cumin
salt to taste
water to thin (if needed)


Throw everything in a food processor and blend! You may need to add a little water to get the hummus to the consistency you like. 

Serve with pita chips, veggies, a spoon... whatever you want!


  1. Try getting dried garbanzo beans and cooking. It does not have the canned taste.

    1. If I can find them out here, I'll try that next time!
