Saturday, May 7, 2016

charlotte 1 month

first car ride, coming home from the hospital (3/24/2016)

little escape artist

yoga baby, first holiday, easter (3/27/2016)

first bath, she hated it! (3/27/2016)

one week old!

daddy time in the front yard

passed out with daddy

first trip to the beach (4/17/2016)

first smiles! (4/20/2016)

one month old! (4/22/2016)

the next few pictures were taken with my good camera. my failed attempt at her newborn shots!

mermaid dreams 

one month old!

one month old!

This may be a couple weeks late, but here is Charlotte's first month update!

weight: 8 lbs, 9 oz at her 4 week checkup. She lost a lot in her first few days of life, but once my milk came in, she started gaining. She exceeded her birthweight by 3 weeks of life. 
height:  21.25 inches at her 4 week checkup. She was 21 inches at birth, and has grown a lot since then. However, her height is all over the place depending on who measures her. She even got shorter according to one appointment! So we aren't really sure of her true height.
likes: the boobie! Girl loves to eat. She also loves when daddy burps her, talks to her or rocks her. She also is loving her swing.
dislikes: pretty much everything else! She is pretty colicky.
sleep: it really varies. Some nights she'll only sleep in 30 minute chunks and is grunting all night long, and then some nights she'll sleep a good 5-6 hours, eat, then go back down for 2 hours. She has started taking regular naps throughout the day too. 
eating: She loves eating! She is still exclusively breastfeeding. She spits up quite a bit, but the doctors say its normal and she's gaining great so it's just a laundry problem. 
clothes: she is now wearing 0-3 month clothing. Her feety pajamas are almost too short for her. She is definitely long and skinny. Carter's brand clothing fit her the best because they're long and thin. Other brands' 0-3 clothing are short and wide and are baggy on her. 
nicknames: Charlie, Bean, Beanie, Pumpernickel, Shart-bear (hehe), Grumpy Gills
firsts: We are starting to get some smiles here and there (unrelated to gas!), she can also roll over from her tummy to her back.

Monday, April 25, 2016

newborn pictures

Although I'm a photographer, I failed massively at newborn photography. My friend and fellow photographer, Laura, gifted us a newborn session. She is awesome! Here are the images from Charlotte's newborn session.